
Make Your Office A Place You Want To Spend Time In

For most of our working lives, we spend more time in the company of our colleagues than we do our family. When we come home from work, it’s bliss to relax in a cosy, familiar environment and feel comfortable. We spend a lot of effort making our homes a welcoming and pleasant place to be, so why not do the same with our workplace? If you work in an office, here are ideas to make it more inviting:

Keep it tidy

If you keep your home clean and tidy, then it will benefit you greatly to do the same at work. Clutter and dust can accumulate quickly, so have a clear out and a bit of a spring clean. Wipe down the surfaces and clear away clutter from desk before you leave each day and it will make you feel more positive when you arrive the following day.

Zero interior design?

Is it the kind of space that’s been thrown together with little consideration? Are there mismatching fabrics, squeaky furniture or annoying accessories that could be stressing you out on a subconscious level? Try to create a sense of harmony by introducing a colour scheme, getting a good chair and a small selection of personal items like a pot plant to make your area feel a little less corporate and more homely. If the whole office could do with dragging into the 21st century.


It’s easy for a workspace to lack personality, so give it the personal touch. Maybe you could bring in a beloved lamp, some photos or a favourite comfy cushion. Have these items readily available for comfort and motivation. If you’re in need of some motivation, why not hang a mood board with images of things you want to achieve or places you long to visit? These will remind you why you need to work!

A little greenery

A little bit of the outside world can immediately soften an area and lift your mood. Nature has soothing qualities, so consider a plant, some flowers, a fish tank, stones or shells to bring feelings of tranquillity and wellbeing into the workplace.

Light it up

Light can have a big impact on your mood and energy levels. Having the right lighting can also improve your productivity. As much natural light as possible is the ideal situation, but if this isn’t available, consider task lighting that mimics natural daylight as much as possible.

Treat yourself kindly

Is yours the kind of workplace where cakes are brought in on a Friday, or a birthday or well, any excuse really? Why not instigate a change in culture and replace the cakes with healthy energy-boosting snacks instead? If you drink tea or coffee all day long, why not indulge in a luxury mug or china teacup just to be kind to yourself? A little bit of luxury while you work is an indulgence, we all deserve. Why make work worse than it is? Give yourself a sense of comfort and you might not dread Monday morning so much.

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