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When estate agents Essex branches are asked to help find pet-friendly accommodation, their expertise allows them to know exactly what to look for. However, what if this is your first house move with a furry friend in tow? Do you know exactly what you want and what the dealbreakers would be when relocating with your pet? You can find some inspiration below that might help you.

Gardens And Outdoor Space

Choosing a new home with similar or more outdoor space than you already have, for your cats and dogs to roam free is high up on the priority list of many pet owners. The below garden additions should all be on your wish list as you start new property viewings.

Lawned Areas – There’s nothing like a grassy garden for your cats and dogs to explore. This is the perfect place for toilet breaks and it won’t leave stains or odours. Lawns are also good for playtime and throwing the ball around for your dog.

Availability Of Shade – Whilst full sunshine is fantastic for us humans, dogs and cats will appreciate some time in the shade to take a break from the hot sun during the summer months. Something as simple as a few bushes and trees to cast a small area of shade are generally adequate.

Easy-To-Clean Spaces – Look for gardens with easy-to-clean areas for when your pets make a mess. Paved patios are easy to wash down with pet-friendly disinfectants to avoid creating bad smells and attracting flies.

Extra Space – The more space that you can offer your pets, the happier and more exercised they’ll be. Take a look at the pros and cons of outdoor space vs indoor space and how far you are willing to compromise to get what you need.

Avoid Dangers And Outdoor Hazards– Large areas of water such as streams and ponds are a stunning and highly desired home addition, but you should ensure that they are suitable for your pet.

Pet-friendly layouts

The layout of a property plays an important part in our lives. Choose a suitable layout for your lifestyle and your pet’s requirements. Alternatively ensure that you are happy to take on any work, extensions, renovations, and updates to bring it up to scratch. Think about where your pets will sleep, play, and be left unsupervised.

Easy to clean interiors

If you don’t have the budget to make changes immediately, you’ll need to carefully consider the interiors of any property that you view. Are the floors easy to clean and do they mark or damage easily? Flooring can be costly to replace so checking their suitability before you put an offer in could save you time and money.

Neighbours and the local area

Finally, don’t forget to look into your local area and how pet friendly this is. Are there busy main roads that could pose a risk for your reactive dog? Will your neighbours be tolerant of pets in the garden next door, and do they have any animals themselves? With a few simple checks, you can get yourself prepared for you and your furry friends’ big move.

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