Both baseboard and crown moulding installation can be done as a DIY project or by hired professionals. The choice is largely dependent upon your skill level and financial considerations. Find out here the costs for crown moulding and baseboard in Toronto.

Crown moulding:

  • Professional installation of standard crown moulding (from 1-1/2 to 20 inches wide) costs around $8-$12 a foot (about $300-$500 per 10×10-foot room) in Toronto. Labour and materials are included in this price.
  • Sophisticated designs, staining or painting, heavy or exotic woods, the use of multiple mouldings, uneven walls and ceilings, irregular layouts with corners can bump the cost of materials and labour up to $25-$35 a foot, or $1,000-$1,400 for 10×10-foot room.
  • Materials for DIY project in 10×10-foot room range from 90 cents-$3 a foot for wood composite, red oak or poplar (it will be $40-$120 for 10×10 room), or $1.50-$6.50 a foot for woods such as mahogany, cherry or walnut ($60-$260 for a simple 10×10-foot space).
  • As crown-moulding installation requires correctly made complex cuts at the corners, you will need a compound miter saw, which costs you $75-$118.
  • If you are not confident in using a saw, buy precut corner pieces for about $8-$20 each, depending on size, style and type of material.
  • The price varies according the height of chosen baseboard (from a simple 1-inch-high round “shoe” moulding to 6 inches high) and its finish (from plain to a sloped, rounded or grooved design).
  • Materials for a DIY project cost 65-90 cents a linear foot of traditional wood composite (MDF) baseboards (2-4 inches high, average cost for framing 20×20-foot living room $50-$75 for 80 feet).
  • Professional baseboard installation is for $325-$450 (for 500 feet in an average cost for framing two-story house).
  • Baseboards from inexpensive woods (pine or poplar) cost 85 cents ($150 for 3-4 inches high) or $1.50-$2.25 (5-6 inches high), however, high-end wood (solid cherry, mahogany, walnut) is about $2.80-$7 a foot (the cost for framing average living room is $225-$560)
  • Durable polyurethane baseboards are $1.80-$8 a foot (average cost is $900-$4,000 for framing a house).
  • Professional baseboard installation as a part of a larger flooring or remodeling job is $1.50-$2 a linear foot or $2-$4 for a stand-alone trim installation.

The prices do not include:

  • Removal of old baseboard and crown moulding
  • Remodeling, moving furniture.
  • If you do DIY project buy 10 percent more of required baseboard and crown moulding.

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