The exciting thing about journeys is that you get to learn so much. Whether you are on a long journey or a short trip; you get to experience different things. Different people take different transportation means to carry out their journey. Talking about the commonest and most prevalent mode of traveling in India, it is ‘train.’  Exactly, whether you are to go alone, with friends, colleagues or family; trains are a fitting option.

No rigidness

There is great train availability in India. You can find one train or the other going on the tracks. Whether it is a suburb or a village; you might find a train connecting the spots. Similarly, even if you are not sure about the availability of trains, you can easily access the different features of Indian railways that get you instant information. For example, you can check out their website or simply call on their toll free number for instant status of the trains.  Here, PNR number can also turn out to be really helpful.

Plenty of options

When you are traveling in a train, you have plenty of options for your time pass or time killing. While when you are in a bus or aeroplane; you are stuck. You have to sit on your seat, and there is no movement. But these trains are really friendly. During your long journey, you can easily walk through the coaches of the train and explore the different things.

Similarly, in trains, people are normally up for talks and conversations. You can talk to people and share your views with them. You can know about their cultures and ideologies. You can have a peep into their lifestyles and struggles. Every single talk will end up in something new for you. Maybe their courageous lifestyle motivates you for your life. It is also possible that you get to know about a new culture that was not known to you previously.

Explore food

If you are a foodie type of fellow, then you have variety to explore and experience. You can munch on snacks and specialities of different places. Of course, it is possible. Since your train is going to pass through different states, cities or regions, you have the chance to order the special food of that area. All you have to do is, place an order online one hour before you reach a specific station. This way, the moment your train halts the station platform, you will be given the package of food.  This way, you can eat and explore different cookeries and cuisines. The best part is the quality of this food. The food catered to you is going to be fresh, scrumptious and hot. So, whether you are alone or traveling with a gang of fellows; food will add spice in your journey.

Thus, the bottom line is that train journeys are always fruitful and enlightening. Sometimes you might feel tired but don’t forget that the journey acquainted you to different landscapes, activities, people and food. The options you have in the present day Indian Railways are absolutely contenting.

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