Of the five senses, most people would rate sight as the most important one. Your eyes allow you to take in the world around you and you should therefore take great care of them.
However, circumstances can lead you to develop poor eyesight, causing a lot of distress. In order to get the correct treatment, it is important to understand some of the factors leading to vision problems. The most common of these include:
- Myopia. Also known as nearsightedness, myopia refers to a condition where you can see close-up objects clearly while those that are far away appear fuzzy or blurry.
- Hyperopia. This is the opposite of myopia and it causes you to clearly see objects that are far from you while those close to you appear blurred. It is also known as farsightedness.
- Astigmatism. This condition happens because of irregularly shaped corneas. Due to this irregularity, light fails to focus properly on your retina, making you unable to see objects clearly no matter how close or far they may be.
- Glaucoma. This is one of the leading causes of blindness in the USA. It happens when the fluid in the eye fails to drain properly, leading to increased pressure on the optic nerves. Left untreated, it can lead to loss of vision.
- Cataracts. These occur when the cornea progressively becomes opaque, causing blurry vision. It can lead to blindness if left untreated.
Correcting your vision
Ignoring your worsening vision will not make the problem go away. In fact, you risk worsening your sight or losing it all together if you fail to act.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways your vision can be corrected. They include:
- Glasses. Specs are practical and safe to use if you have poor vision. They are easy to care for and rarely have side effects. On the downside, they change your appearance and can be inconvenient especially if you want to take part in active sports.
- Contact lenses. Contacts are more convenient to use than glasses. They are also available in a range of colors allowing you to change your eye color when you wish. Unfortunately, contacts pose an increased risk of infection since they have to be placed on the eye’s surface. They also require a lot of care in use and this can be a turn off for many.
- LASIK surgery. Laser eye surgery is an alternative method of correcting your vision, especially useful if you are tired of wearing glasses and contacts. This procedure involves using a laser to change the curvature of your cornea, hence improving your eyesight. Whether you are seeking LASIK surgery in Long Island, New York or in any other part of the country, qualified eye surgeons are available to assist and advise you.
Just like any other part of your body your eyes need rest, especially if you work on a computer the whole day. Additionally, you should also include foods rich in vitamins A and C as well as omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to protect your eyes. Remember to take good care of your eyes and seek medical attention if you experience any problems with your vision.