Per OSHA regulations, many utility products must be tested before they are used commercially or sold. Gloves are one of the most commonly tested items. Per the official OSHA guidelines:

“Gloves and sleeves must be electrically tested before being issued for use. They must also be visually inspected and gloves need to be air tested for any possible defects (for example, cuts, holes, tears, embedded objects, changes in texture) before each day’s use and whenever there is a reason to believe they may have been damaged. Best practice is to inspect PPE and air test the gloves and sleeves before each use.”

OSHA goes on to further state that these gloves and sleeves must be electrically tested at regular intervals of no more than 6 months for gloves (an 12 months for sleeves).

To keep your workers safe, and to keep your company from being fined by OSHA (or worse), we highly recommend getting your OSHA glove tests done by an established laboratory, such as UPT in Arizona. If your gloves do not pass inspection, they will have the thumbs cut to stop them from being used further, and at that time you will need to purchase new ones. This particular lab, UPT, will test items that are shipped in, so if you do not live conveniently close to a utility products testing laboratory, you can ship your gloves down to UPT and they will test and ship them back out.

All in all, its the attention to detail that makes any company run smoothly. Remember to stay within your OSHA guidelines, keep everyone safe, keep the company safe.

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