From a recent article by The Guardian, Australian students have been falling behind in mathematics as compared to other countries since the year 2000.  In a 2019 survey by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), there were already twenty-three countries that ranked higher in math over Australia.

This situation is alarming, considering that the majority of the world’s fastest-growing jobs require knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  Therefore, it is crucial to improve the math skills of young students as early as possible.  

Thankfully, there is the convenience of getting an online math tutor for your children. Here are three reasons how learning math with an online tutor will help improve their math skills.

Focused and Paced Learning 

Math subjects cover arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and calculus.  Some students excel in some math subjects but need more focus to master others.  

An online math tutor will help by exploring different ways of explaining math principles until your child masters it.  Under the mastery learning approach (MLA) in teaching mathematics, students can learn at their own pace.  Both fast and slow learners benefit from this method.

A dedicated mentor will observe firsthand your child’s difficulties in solving math problems.  They will teach shortcuts to analyze math’s questions and instill in them a natural curiosity to learn math principles. With more advanced students, however, an online math tutor will work with them as they move to more challenging math lessons.  

Unlike traditional classes, a tutor will ensure that your children learn math at their own natural pace plus give them the flexibility of focusing on specific math topics.

Suitable to Personal Learning Styles

According to research done by teachers Neil Fleming and Collin E. Mills, there are four learning styles represented by the acronym “VARK” – visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.

  • Visual learners learn better when shown charts and diagrams.  An online math tutor will write down explanations behind a math formula, use visual analogies, and use graphs, tables, and spreadsheets to explain basic mathematical principles.
  • Auditory (or aural) students prefer hearing information. They benefit from discussions with others and working aloud while they think through logic-based math problems.  An online math tutor will provide recordings of the class.
  • Reading/writing learners prefer going through written materials (for example, books, handouts, slides) and submitting written assignments.  They enjoy taking notes and reviewing them later. Math flashcards are an example of their resources.
  • Kinesthetic learners are known to be at their best when they engage all their senses while learning.  They want to participate and learn hands-on. Games that involve play money, blocks, and cubes are essential tools. Solving math problems with the use of mind maps also helps them.

In addition to these four, there are “multimodal learners” who learn using a combination of these four styles.  

Builds Confidence in Answering Math Problems

Math can be intimidating and frustrating.  Answering math problems in front of a traditional class is stressful.  With an online math tutor, however, students are guided step-by-step until they are confident to move to more complicated lessons.  Without the social pressure of having to keep up with the rest of the class, math becomes enjoyable.

Most students who have worked with an online math tutor will attest that their grades have improved.  With lessons reinforced by online sessions, they gain mastery of math. Students discover that mathematics is exciting and practical in day-to-day life.

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