wheelie bins

Everyone needs wheelie bins in their homes and commercial premises, but how can they be stored without becoming an eyesore? Whether you have a standard 120 litre wheelie bin or something larger, here are some handy ways to ensure that they always look their best.

Wooden Wheelie Bin Storage Units

One of the most common ways to store your wheelie bin without too much hassle, is to house it within a wooden storage unit. You can have these custom made by a local carpenter, or purchase one online. Most standard households use a 120-litre wheelie bin, so the sizes are fairly generic when it comes to placing an order for a wooden storage unit. Your wheelie bin would then be placed inside this, with easy access for refuse collection days.

Ideally these types of storage units would also have space to house your recycling boxes alongside. This keeps everything hidden from sight and in one convenient place. Place this in an area of your garden that is near to your back gate, this will ensure that you don’t have to move your wheelie bins too far when they require emptying.

If you have a commercial business that requires something larger than a 120 litre wheelie bin to be stored, you may be looking at higher costs, due to the current rising price of wood and other materials.

Sheds And Outbuildings For Wheelie Bin Storage

If you have access to sheds or similar garden storage units, these could be a fantastic way to keep your wheelie bins out of sight. When stored at the back of a shed, you still have access to them without losing valuable garden space.

Make A Garden Feature From Your Wheelie Bin

If you have to keep your wheelie bin outside, then you’ll be pleased to know that you do still have options when it comes to garden decor. Try installing a shelf above your wheelie bin that is high enough to allow the lid to be opened. On this shelf you could place flowers and trailing plants that will drape down and create a much-needed pop of colour. This acts as a design friendly distraction from your bins and recycling boxes.

Curbside Storage Options For Wheelie Bins In The Uk

Some residential homes and businesses will be able to leave their wheelie bins in the street. You should check your local council rules and always ensure that they are not blocking public access. If you have anything larger than a standard 120 litre wheelie bin then you may require a special license or allocated storage space for your commercial or residential bins.

Stickers And Decor To Brighten Up Your Wheelie Bin

Some people choose to make their bin look brighter and more attractive by adorning them with stickers. Sticking household numbers on your bin will be a practical addition when it comes to refuse collection and can help to make your bin more aesthetically appealing.

 You have many different options to explore when creating storage and design options for your wheelie bin, so choosing one that works best for you is key.

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